Latest addition to the arsenal. LEBEN CS300

The highly awarded Leben CS300 integrated amp is now available for audition (along with it’s big brother, the CS600). Hand made in Japan by Mr. Hyodo (from Luxman fame), point to point wiring, 12 watts, EL84 tubes. $2995. This is the kind of Hi-Fi product that actually goes up in value. You’ll pass this one on to the kids, just like Grandpa did with his McIntosh…

Mr. Ed can’t believe it’s been FIFTEEN YEARS!!!

That’s right Y’all! I’ve been schlepping the Hi-Fi for 15 years now! I started off as a trunk slammer wiring McMansions. I had a dream and a living room which I turned into a home business. Lines like Rega and Naim had faith in me. I made the fatal mistake of signing a nasty lease for my first shop. Spent 3 years at the “School Of Hard Knocks” trapped in said lease. I figured out what brands play music and who the “good guys” are promoting / distributing them. So………
Top 10 possible reasons I’m still in business:
1. Dumb Luck.
2. There ain’t no shame in my game.
3. You’ll get treated the same if you roll up in a Porshe or on a skateboard.
4. YOU!!! Thanks for your trust in doing business with me! It’s appreciated.
5. I stock brands that I believe in and will still be in business in 15 years.
6. I own my space and am no longer raped by greedy landlords.
7. I love music and even play semi professionally.
8. I’m (sometimes painfully in a Larry David kind of way) honest.
9. Killer Customer Service!
10. I have a fully stocked bar at the shop and I like to share.

Roky played my favorite Pub!! It was insane and surreal! I love Austin!!!