These are some I just sold to a client for his desktop.
Leben 300xs integrated in stock! SOLD!
No waiting! Be in Texas or where there aren’t other Leben dealers!
SUGDEN IA4 Masterclass Integrated Amp
33 Class A watts with built in MM phono pre. The best integrated amp they build! Client traded it in with less than a year of use on it. $5650
DeVore 0/96 In Stock! SOLD!!
These are hard to come by! I ordered these months ago. No Waiting for a lucky client!
Fezz Audio Now In The Shop!
The Fezz facility is located in north-eastern Poland, in the beautiful Podlasie region. Here we work with our team of engineers on creating the best audio solutions to create unique musical experiences.
“With a spirit of innovation and determination, Fezz continues its evolution to introduce improvements in our products every day.”
Maciej Lachowski
Silver Luna Prestige EVO
Silver Luna Prestige is an extremely versatile push-pull stereo integrated tube amplifier. Output tubes are the legendary EL34, and a mode switch can choose either tetrode or pentode operation; the input tubes are 12AX7/ECC83, and each unit is shipped with another pair of input tubes, type 6N2P.
Four configurations are possible with the mode switch and choice of input tubes, allowing the amp’s sound signature to be tailored to the user’s preference. Silver Luna Prestige has three RCA inputs, and utilizes Toroidy toroidal power and output transformers for low noise and amazing dynamic abilities. Its 35 watts per channel allow a wide choice of speakers.
Titania EVO
Titania is a powerful and dynamic vacuum tube integrated amp. Output tubes are KT88s, input tubes are 12AX7/ECC83, and the outputs are operated in push-pull mode. Automatic biasing assures trouble-free operation. Tone is neutral, with superb bass control, aided by the toroidal power and output transformers.
Frequency response is an astounding 18 Hz/103 kHz (-3 dB), providing airy treble and a full, well-defined soundstage. The 45 watts/channel will drive almost any loudspeaker to produce powerful, engaging sound. Remote control and tube cage are included, as they are with all Fezz Audio products.
Equinox EVO DAC
Equinox is the world’s only Lampizator licensed vacuum tube D/A converter designed by ?ukasz Fikus. It is also the cheapest on a market D/A converter with the Lampizator logo. The unit is based on PCM1794 chipsets and 12au7 vacuum tube.
Fezz/Toroidy engineers designed a dedicated, highest quality Supreme class toroidal power transformer for Equinox’s power supply. Device is equipped with 2 Toslink, 1 coaxial and 1 USB digital signal inputs.
DeVORE Fidelity O/Baby!
A nice new pair are on the floor! Come hear them!
The EQVES Series is based on the balanced series of transformers and the creation of custom transformers with NOS components. Taking the best of both, we present a compact range of elegantly designed components that allow to solve the specific tasks that every analog enthusiast faces.
New fully metal housing with a triple shield to reduce the influence of S/N ratio due to external induction noise.
Short signal way, easy and convenient switching and professional Neutrik connectors.
New minimalist design and fair price of $1200.
Revival Atalante 5 are here!
THE new Ortofon 2MR series (R for Rega)! No more shims or counterweights hitting the lid! hip hip hooray!
I just fitted the Ortofon 2MR Black LVB 250 to the Rega P6! Excellent synergy!
New Sugden A21SE amps need a forever home!
One left in Titanium! Hurry!